Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Re-Using Made Easier

"Only when I saw the Earth from space, in all its ineffable beauty and fragility, did I realize that humankind's most urgent task is to cherish and preserve it for future generations." 
Sigmund Jahn, German Cosmonaut

Do you buy bottled water?  I do.  Not quite so much anymore though.  I bought it by the case for several years until my oldest son decided to be a conscientious objector and asked me to stop.  He was right.  There are so many re-usable bottles being made (and sometimes even handed out) now that there is often no excuse but laziness in using the plastic pre-bottled water.
There has also been some discrepancy in the recent past over whether or not it is (chemically) safe to keep freezing, re-heating and re-using all forms of plastics.  Although, it seems to be agreed that the freezing/thawing process does not release any harmful chemicals from the containers.

Whether or not the plastic bottles we use release harmful chemicals, they undisputably are creating an incredible waste issue.  A waste issue that can be remedied by a just a little forethought.  

Earth 911 reports:
  • According to the Beverage Marketing Corp, the average American consumed 1.6 gallons of bottled water in 1976. In 2006, that number jumped to 28.3 gallons.
  • More than 2.4 billion pounds of plastic bottles were recycled in 2008. Although the amount of plastic bottles recycled in the U.S. has grown every year since 1990, the actual recycling rate remains steady at around 27 percent.
Here's one item I just purchased to help encourage our family (and myself!) to choose the re-usable drinking containers that we own over individual disposable drink containers.

I needed some ice trays and I came across these.  

The great thing is that you can use the ice in a glass at home or grab some long cubes, throw them in a bottle and go!  It makes using the re-usable bottles fun - and no more having to freeze water bottles.  I'm happy.  Try them!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Life's A Beach

When the well's dry, we know the worth of water.
- Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanac, 1746
I just returned from a wonderful visit with friends in Port St. Lucie, 
Florida.  While there, I had the unique opportunity to walk the 
beach at night and actually spot a sea turtle that had come up on 
shore to lay her eggs!  We stayed quite a good distance away and
quickly left the busy lady alone to her labors. 
This incredible and fortunate encounter reminded me what an 
important part we, as stewards of the entire planet, play in our 
everyday lives.  There are truly so many that depend on our 
awareness and our conscious and caring efforts. 
Watch a video. 
The Ocean Conservancy group has a website that helps inform 
people about the problems that ocean pollution causes as well as 
offering ideas and opportunities to take action and be part 
of the solution. 
One of their suggestions is for boaters, but I believe it is 
something we can all try as we head out to the beach this 
summer - its called "Plus One Boating."  Here's the idea:
"Practice "Plus-One Boating" by bringing back everything you 
take out on your trip—plus one piece of litter from someone else's 
wasteful wake. Make sure to bring all food containers, cigarette 
butts, and other trash back to shore and use the marina’s garbage 
or recycling facilities to dispose of it. More than an eyesore, 
trash in the water impacts the health of humans, wildlife, 
ecosystems, and economies."