"All of the animals except for man know that the principle business of life is to enjoy it."
~ Samuel Butler
Being a professional organizer, I love, Love, Love shredding outdated or useless paper! Oh my goodness, the amount of paper that we all get stuck under sometimes is the most daunting obstacle to peace in our lives, don't you think? It covers our counters, our coffee tables, our cars, our purses, our desks and our dining room tables! Some people will actually swear that it breeds when they leave the house. I've seen enough of it to think that they might be right! Well, today I treated myself to a little excursion. My hair-stylist, Mandy at Media Hair Stop, has often mentioned that she brings her shredded paper to the local SPCA so I decided to give it a try. What a wonderful experience! I showed up with a bag of paper shreddings and an old torn sheet to donate. I was surprised at how happy they were to receive my ragged gifts. They said they can use old sheets or towels and ALWAYS need shredded paper to use as cat litter. It was great satisfaction to know both that my house was liberated from it's documentary dilemma and that a worthy institution might benefit from my diligence!
You can bet that the Media SPCA will see me on their doorstep next month! Why not give it a try? Find your local SPCA and start shredding!
that is the most awesome tip!