Saturday, August 27, 2011

"Water, Water Everywhere..."

Water, water, every where, 
And all the boards did shrink;
Water, water, every where,
Nor any drop to drink. 
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Think you might lose power when the hurricane hits?  My NYC brother-in-law just shared a great and simple tip for anyone preparing for hurricane Irene.

Simply fill some plastic zipper bags with water (tap water will do) and freeze them - now.  If you end up losing power, you can use the frozen bricks to keep some of your refrigerator items cold.  I used quart-size bags.  They were easier to find room for in the freezer.  I double-bagged with gallon-size ones. (I don't want to have to clean up a mess when they defrost!)

If the stores were out of bottled water or you didn't get out to buy any, these will also serve as extra water as they defrost.   

The bags are easily reusable since you are only storing water in them.  

Stay safe, stay dry!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Keep it Clean

"When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amore." - Jack Brooks 

According to the EPA, " paper and paperboard products make up the largest portion of the municipal solid waste stream in the United States and as a result, offer the greatest opportunity to recycle". 

We have taken great strides in this decade to cut down on unnecessary paper usage. Finding ways to re-use and recycle paper is becoming increasing popular in our country and recycled paper makes up approximately a third of all paper products, clearly a benefit toward conserving our natural resources.
Yet, as paper recycling becomes more commonplace, we must also remember to keep aware of the guidelines for proper recycling in order that our efforts are not in vain.  Pizza boxes, for instance, while recyclable, are good ONLY when they are clean.  Any food residue or even grease renders the cardboard merely waste.  The food or grease is a contaminant that can (and does) ruin entire batches of paper.  What does this mean to us?  It means that MILLIONS of dollars are lost each year due to contaminated recycling.
The moral of this story?  Take the time to look at your recycling guidelines - keep the grease on the wheel, not in the recycle bin.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Indepence Day from the City of Brotherly Love!

Old Ben had it right - if you can do something now, get it done.  
Cut up a melon before it spoils, squeegy the shower walls before mold builds up, write thank you notes as soon as you can before you forget...  Whatever it is,  living by this simple motto is a sure way to save time, effort and waste. 

Happy 4th of July America! 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Re-Using Made Easier

"Only when I saw the Earth from space, in all its ineffable beauty and fragility, did I realize that humankind's most urgent task is to cherish and preserve it for future generations." 
Sigmund Jahn, German Cosmonaut

Do you buy bottled water?  I do.  Not quite so much anymore though.  I bought it by the case for several years until my oldest son decided to be a conscientious objector and asked me to stop.  He was right.  There are so many re-usable bottles being made (and sometimes even handed out) now that there is often no excuse but laziness in using the plastic pre-bottled water.
There has also been some discrepancy in the recent past over whether or not it is (chemically) safe to keep freezing, re-heating and re-using all forms of plastics.  Although, it seems to be agreed that the freezing/thawing process does not release any harmful chemicals from the containers.

Whether or not the plastic bottles we use release harmful chemicals, they undisputably are creating an incredible waste issue.  A waste issue that can be remedied by a just a little forethought.  

Earth 911 reports:
  • According to the Beverage Marketing Corp, the average American consumed 1.6 gallons of bottled water in 1976. In 2006, that number jumped to 28.3 gallons.
  • More than 2.4 billion pounds of plastic bottles were recycled in 2008. Although the amount of plastic bottles recycled in the U.S. has grown every year since 1990, the actual recycling rate remains steady at around 27 percent.
Here's one item I just purchased to help encourage our family (and myself!) to choose the re-usable drinking containers that we own over individual disposable drink containers.

I needed some ice trays and I came across these.  

The great thing is that you can use the ice in a glass at home or grab some long cubes, throw them in a bottle and go!  It makes using the re-usable bottles fun - and no more having to freeze water bottles.  I'm happy.  Try them!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Life's A Beach

When the well's dry, we know the worth of water.
- Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanac, 1746
I just returned from a wonderful visit with friends in Port St. Lucie, 
Florida.  While there, I had the unique opportunity to walk the 
beach at night and actually spot a sea turtle that had come up on 
shore to lay her eggs!  We stayed quite a good distance away and
quickly left the busy lady alone to her labors. 
This incredible and fortunate encounter reminded me what an 
important part we, as stewards of the entire planet, play in our 
everyday lives.  There are truly so many that depend on our 
awareness and our conscious and caring efforts. 
Watch a video. 
The Ocean Conservancy group has a website that helps inform 
people about the problems that ocean pollution causes as well as 
offering ideas and opportunities to take action and be part 
of the solution. 
One of their suggestions is for boaters, but I believe it is 
something we can all try as we head out to the beach this 
summer - its called "Plus One Boating."  Here's the idea:
"Practice "Plus-One Boating" by bringing back everything you 
take out on your trip—plus one piece of litter from someone else's 
wasteful wake. Make sure to bring all food containers, cigarette 
butts, and other trash back to shore and use the marina’s garbage 
or recycling facilities to dispose of it. More than an eyesore, 
trash in the water impacts the health of humans, wildlife, 
ecosystems, and economies." 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Put A Cork In It!

What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?   
~ W. C. Fields
So, is yours one of those families who like to save corks?  Well, mine is.  It's a habit that seems to go on throughout the generations of my family.  At one point in time, I remember a scare about the worlds supply of natural cork running out and the eventuality of having only synthetic corks to use.  This, I must admit, is not something that I can verify nor have witnessed at all.  There seems to be no shortage of wine, and no shortage of natural cork.  

Still, I still continue my obsession with saving corks!  Several years back, my brother gifted us all with hotplates made from some of the corks he had collected.  This was especially appreciated since my brother's good taste afforded a nice display of a wide variety.  Kits for projects like this are available in many common house-ware stores.

It's always a good idea to have an end purpose in mind (like my brother's cork hotplates) for anything that you like to collect.  Collecting can be a fun pastime, but finding a way to enjoy and share your collections is a way to enrich your life.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Giving, Receiving and Giving Again

"And the tree was happy"
— Shel Silverstein (The Giving Tree)

The average American uses approximately one 100-foot-tall Douglas fir tree in paper 
and wood products per year.  - EPA Website statistic

Electronic correspondence is truly a wonder.  
We can keep in touch more than ever with our families, friends, associates, clients and acquaintences.
We are able to set up holiday, birthday, anniversary and special event reminders and then to follow up by sending an "e"-card to acknowledge them - amazing!
Yet, there are still many of us who enjoy checking the snail-mail box and and finding an actual piece of correspondence.  
For instance, the Hallmark company estimates that Americans send out approximately 57 million cards.  We will send about two and a half times that for Mother's Day.

Acknowledging important people in our lives 
in this time-honored and meaningful 
way can be a treasure more than any other "thing" we might give.
But giving doesn't have to stop there.  Our life cycles continue and it is important for us to continue to thank, honor and return the favor to the givers.

Here's how: 
Keep one manila envelope in a file.  Shred the envelopes and toss in the greeting cards you have received and are done with.  When the envelope is full, send it to St. Judes Ranch for Children to be made into new cards.  They accept all types of cards (Thank You, Get Well, Birthday, Mother's Day, etc).

The path to conservation starts on your doorstep. 


Friday, April 15, 2011

Creative Containers

Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.

-New England proverb   

Dare I say, Spring is finally here?  Yes, I am going to take the bold step forward and declare it!  And, with the promise of warmer days ahead, we can turn our sights to venturing outside and preparing our gardens.  Whether you have a large yard, just a small patch of earth, or even if your springtime greenery is indoors, there are ways you can enjoy the cathartic act of planting without spending more than the price of the seeds or plants.  

Sprucing up your garden with a new theme or creating a new planting space, inside or out, can be done simply through the use of some of the things you have lying around your house.  An old pair of worn out work boots make a great containers for outdoor flowers.  A brightly colored chipped piece of pottery adds it's own color to greenery.  An old mug that you like or a small bowl are also great options.

Just last week my daughter mentioned a planting idea she had seen that she'd like to try in her apartment.  It is to use hanging shoe pockets.  I love this idea and think it would also be great for growing an assortment of herbs in or near the kitchen.  What fun!  Take a look.

Friday, April 1, 2011

What Do You Do with Your Techno-Junk?

 Electronic waste accounts for 70 percent of the overall toxic waste currently found in landfills.
- Global Futures Foundation                                 

I received some pretty cool gifts for my birthday this month and one of them was this:

It's a bowl made from an old vinyl record album ("Saturday Night Fever" actually!).  My son picked this up for me in Philly.  I really love this.  It's an album from my era and looks great as a decorative bowl on my piano.

This makes me think about how we sometimes have a hard time parting with the things that were connected with our youth - even though we may never even pull them out of their storage boxes again.  And, especially when it comes to technology, even if we do venture a trip down memory lane the things we find may be unusable or toxic to just throw in the garbage.

If you're hanging on to records, cds or computer discs that you no longer have the technology with which to run them on, you have some choices.  

Try a craft.  For vinyl records, you can actually make your own bowl like the one my son gave me.  Old cds can be turned into all sorts of other items: coasters, sun-catchers, even clocks!

If you don't feel up to crafting but are still motivated to clear out some old stuff, make sure you dispose of your techno-junk responsibly.  Participate in local electronics recycling events in your area or check Earth911 to find out how and where to dispose of it.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Be A Supporter - Not a Hoarder!

"To know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, that is to have succeeded."
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hey Ladies, this one's for you!

How many bras do you have in your drawer?  Four, five, six.....ten, twenty?  What types?  Underwires, no underwires, sports bras, lacy ones, solid colors, florals, push-ups, criss-cross, strapless, blue, black, white, red, green......!

Do you use them all? Do you replace the old when you buy new ones?  Or is your bra drawer a bottomless pit of historical bra designs? A stratosphere of bras from all the stages of your life?

Really, how much of your bra collection is made up of the ones you use and love? 

Rather than hanging onto the past or avoiding the 20 minutes of sorting it will take to decide which bras are really the ones you want, why not decide to share the wealth and unstuff your overflowing dresser in the process.  There are women out there who could benefit from having the bras you really don't use.  It's a Win-Win!

Take some time this week.  Sort through.  Toss the shabby ones in the trash, keep the ones you know you use and love, and put the others into a mailing envelope or small box.  Once that's done, go to this site to see where to ship them:

Be a supporter, not a hoarder.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Save a Tree: Organize Your Files

"In the long term, economic sustainability depends on ecological sustainability."
“America’s Living Oceans”  [Pew Oceans Report, 2003]

Between the time that is lost searching for papers and documents and the cost of all the reprinting because we can't find documents in time to use them, it's no wonder our economy and forests are suffering.  In my career as a professional organizer, I have the opportunity to affect both economic and ecologic change especially when it comes to paper-waste.  Assessing the productivity of an office begins with the actual arrangement of the office.  Choosing and arranging your office desks and file storage has a bigger impact that it may at first seem.

Trying to work around pre-existing furniture and set-ups merely because that's 'the way it has always been' is the first mistake when addressing your office set-up.  The consideration of space and placement affects the flow and efficiency of your working environment.  Living with arrangements that impede your space taxes both your creativity and your productivity. 

According to Brother International, "...76 hours per person each year are lost as a result of disorganization in the workplace."  The results of this survey show that over $177 billion is wasted in simply looking for misplaced items/files in the office.  Can today's economy afford that?  Personally, mine can't.

The collateral effects of this disorganization in our offices are the resources that get wasted and mis-used.  The Brother report further goes on to say that "more than one-in-three [of the 800 respondents] say they “somewhat” or “very” often must spend time reprinting previously created documents because they have been misplaced.  This figure balloons to 48 percent of Gen Y employees, a group already under severe marketplace employment pressure." 

Starting from scratch is daunting.  Like re-inventing the wheel.  But if the wheel you're working with is square, maybe it's time to save yourself and the world more pain and go back to the drawing board.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What to Do with Hazardous Waste?

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children. " — Chief Seattle

Old T.V.'s, computers, printers, paint, cleaning agents, motor oil....

Are you storing trash in your home simply because you don't know how to dispose of it? Or because you're not sure when the collection will be? Rather than keeping a build-up of hazardous materials in your home, take a pro-active approach.

Go to your city or county website and look up their recycling program for a calendar of hazardous waste collection dates.  Add all the dates to your own calendar.  Putting the dates on your calendar will remind you when the event is coming up. Since they normally last all day, even if you notice it on the date you'll have time to find some things you can get rid of and get them out.

Goodwill and Staples have ongoing computer recycling programs, but check with your local stores first to see if they participate.  Most do.

Here's a link to the Delaware County, PA site.  If you don't know where to look for your local program, go to Earth911 to find out!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Share the Love!

“Love is the only gold.” 

~ Alfred, Lord Tennyson


Today I am throwing out a Recycling/Valentine challenge!  


Over the next two weeks I am challenging people to


Share the Love



 The Challenge:  

 1. Create a "Valentine" for someone

 2. Take a picture of it and post it to this blog

 3. Check back on February 15th to see whose Valentine is the Winner!


 The Rules:

 1. You may not purchase any new materials for your valentine.  Use what you have.  The point of this challenge is to share love with another while lovingly using the resources at hand - buttons, ribbon, cardboard cereal boxes, bottle caps.....whatever!  Check out some ideas from these Amazing Moms!

 2. Your Valentine must have a heart incorporated somewhere.

 3. You must be 18 or older to submit an entry.

 4. All entrees must be submitted by 5pm on February 14th, 2011.


Submitting a Photo: 

Email your entry by 5pm on Valentine's Day to to be posted to this blog.



 The winner will be chosen based on 

 1. Best re-use of material

 2. Creativity

 3. Design

 The Prize:

 The winner will receive 2 FREE Declaration Calls, a $60 Value! 

(Everyone else will receive artistic fame!) 


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My "Coffee Cuffs"

I am always doing things I can't do, that's how I get to do them.
- Pablo Picasso

Early in 2010 I researched a craft that caught my interest.  In March I blogged about coffee sleeves made from recycled fabrics.  I am happy (and excited!) to report that in September I took out the sewing machine my husband bought me last year, read the instructions and got started....

"Threading My First Bobbin"
Me, my sister Loretta, (and 2 Cosmos)

I figured out the machine.  I bought some cotton batting.  Then I took the old shirts, jeans, fabrics, etc that I had collected and washed and used a cardboard coffee sleeve to use as a template.  Once I made my first, I figured out how many I needed to make per week in order to have them ready to give as Christmas gifts and voila!

Monday, January 3, 2011

There's Nothing "New" about A Dead Tree

"Good house keeping practices in industries can reduce 30% of waste and thereby 30% of the cost of waste management."
Sumith Pilapitiya      

Happy New Year one and all!  I pray that your holidays were happy days and that you entered the New Year with new optimism for a bright future.  

As you look forward, be sure that you are looking with an unobstructed view.  One thing that can really get in the way of new views and visions is a dead Christmas tree!  Holding on to the joy of the holidays for a couple of weeks and taking some down time after all the hustle and bustle is a wonderful gift we can give ourselves.  But the next wonderful gift is moving forward into new uncharted waters.  

Check with your town to find out if there are free pick-ups for Christmas.  In some places, the Boy Scouts actually do this service for a small fee as a fundraiser. 

However it is handled where you live, make sure you don't miss the pick-up!  The hassle it will save is worth the phone call now.  (and the fire department and Easter bunny will appreciate it too!)

Check here for tree recycling in the Greater Philadelphia area.