Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Household Cleaners

"Many common household cleaners today can contain potentially dangerous toxins that can lead to illness, fatigue, and disease. Businesses, hospitals, and schools are switching to our environmentally safe, effective cleaners to increase health among family members, clients, and employees while decreasing disposal costs of traditional household toxins and preserving our environment."
- Seaside Naturals

Seaside Naturals is the first company that accepted my invitation to send me some green cleaning products to use and review.  I received their multipurpose cleaner and Lavender Linen Water products almost 2 weeks ago and have been using them liberally.  Here's what I've found:
I can clean my whole bathroom with the Seaside Naturals Multi-Purpose Cleaner - mirrors, tile, floor and walls.  As a glass cleaner it is working beautifully with no streaks.  I have sprayed it onto mildew and the mildew (surprisingly) wiped right off.  I also really like not having to use multiple products.  It makes my inner-organizer very happy.     I have also used the mpc in my kitchen.  It's working great on my stove-top as well as my counter-tops and white porcelain sink.    The smell is lemony and for once I don't feel like I'm burning out my lungs or destroying the skin on my hands when I clean.  And, although my 19 year old daughter says it smells like Chinese chicken salad, the smell is a clean one.      As for the Lavender Linen Water, I used it on couches, bed-skirts and shoe storage.  The fragrance is a little soapy smelling and it really doesn't last too long.  I tried spraying it on a couple of light bulbs (as recommended) but with no real result.

I plan on ordering refills of the Multi-Purpose cleaner and recommend that it is well worth trying.  I am also planning on joining their affiliate program this week and a link will be added to this blog and my All Right Organizing website for your convenience.                                      

Simple Green has also sent a few small product samples  and coupons that I will distribute  at my speaking engagements.  If you have any experience with their products let us hear about it.

Finally, I received several products from Biokleen, including laundry detergent, dish detergent and stain remover - along with lots of samples.  I am just starting to try these products and their reviews will be forthcoming.  


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Going Green in January

"In the long term, economic sustainability depends on ecological sustainability."
— “America’s Living Oceans” [Pew Oceans Report, 2003]

In October of 2009 I had the good fortune to attend a presentation given by Jean-Michel Cousteau at the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia as part of speaker series offered by Widener University. Jean-Michel is the son of famed marine biologist Jacques Cousteau. His presentation was fun and friendly and very eye-opening. Because of his involvement with global environmental issues and actions he was able to shed light on the true inter-connectedness of life on this planet - the web of existence of which we are all a part and how actions at one point on the globe have world-wide ramifications.

Wow. That's a lot to think about. The GLOBE is very large. My personal small actions are nothing against that magnitude.

Ok, so I've decided to think on a smaller scale. My house. My own business.

One New Year's resolution I have made is that I am going to switch from buying the harsh chemicals that I normally use for cleaning and try out some "GREEN" products this year. To this end, I have already reviewed some products and contacted a few companies whose products I think I might like to try.

To make it easier for others to bypass some of this legwork, I will let you know via this blog and my website which products I like. Please take a look and join me in this mission to take ownership of our world.

I pray that these small steps will empower us toward the environmental and economic sustainability that our families, towns, country and world need!