Saturday, October 16, 2010

Recycling Batteries

"We have found the sources of hazardous waste and they are us."
US EPA, from "Everybody's Problem: Hazardous Waste"

A household electronics waste collection was being held locally last week and I was happy to read that this also included the collection of batteries!  
This made me happy because about a year ago I decided that it was irresponsible to throw old, used batteries in the trash with all of the chemicals that they contain.  
 I put a quart sized plastic container near my kitchen garbage pail and used that to collect the refuse until I found an acceptable alternative to sending it to a landfill and voila!  One finally arrived.
I loaded up my old printers, grabbed my battery bucket and off I went to the collection event. 

Further investigation has shown that rechargeable batteries are the best choice as far as prevention - but only if they are then recycled.   
Another useful tidbit I've learned is that some retail stores (Home Depot, Radio Shack, Sears...) have used-battery take back programs.
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