Monday, October 19, 2009

A Ray of Hope

The sun is so far away and yet when it reaches me I am still warmed by it. Whatever deed I do will not stop. It will continue to travel way beyond my own sight. I will therefore continue to act and to pray now, taking comfort in knowing that the difference I hope to make will be made. Somewhere for someone. And for that I am forever grateful.
This day, may you find and be a Ray of Hope.


  1. The sky is blue
    I'm sleeping on a fu-
    ton. My guests are secure
    in my bed. You can be sure.
    Tomorrow JFK.
    It will be a long day.
    Peace & Love

  2. I need a 'Ray of Hope' (preferably 'Ray', but I'll take 'Hope').

  3. a place to come and sit a while, to be inspired, to share our presence and leave a seed, signpost or trail mark for others behind or ahead...thanks.
